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1. A heart-felt appeal for work from a local family, (names removed)

Pound Green

Mr Orchard

Dear Sir      I should be glad if any time you were wanting a boy, if you would take my

nephew, the bearer of this note, as Mr ***** has gone away, we don't know where and

we must both do something to live.

Hoping you will be able to oblige me I remain

Yours obediently

***** *****

2. A complaint about prices - not an unusual occurrence over the years!

Afton Manor
Isle of Wight

Dec 4th 1918


I am enclosing you my cheque value six pounds 19/- for your account. I wish to bring your attention particularly to the very high price that you charge for Mumby's Soda Water and unless it can be bought at a most considerable less price I shall give up using it - it consists of 99%  of water.

Yours truly

Fred Tankard

3. Some very specific requirements for holiday accommodation:

From Mrs F. Chapman

Hilary, Verwood, Dorset.

July 14th 1917

Dear Sir         Miss Violet Tennyson, who lives close to me, recommended me to write to you, & ask if you could suggest any rooms for one week - Sunday Aug 5th to Sunday Aug 12th. My husband has one week's holiday from his munitions works, and we want to go to the Island if possible; taking one little girl of 9 & a small dog & a motor cycle. (The cycle would, no doubt, be garaged in Freshwater?) We want two bedrooms and one sitting room in a very quiet house, (not a boarding house or Hotel) as near the sea as possible & reasonably inexpensive. I should be most grateful if you could help. I know it is very difficult to get rooms for one week, & that week, but it is the only one we can get. Miss Tennyson says you will tell us of something if it is possible!
Yours faithfully

H L Chapman

Letters to Orchard Bros from around 1914 - 1918

Transcripts from some letters that have survived from the time of World War One.

Letter to Orchards House Agents_edited.j
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